Wednesday, August 5, 2009


There are some storms coming from the north right now. Ashlyn and I were outside watching the lightening (it was far away but still fun to watch). The wind was blowing like fact, it's whistling right now...but there were some dark clouds that were not moving at all. It was very strange. Ashlyn said that "maybe the clouds were glued to the sky." Funny girl. The picture I posted is one where she decided to get out my lipgloss without telling me. I don't think I even wear that dark of a color! She did a pretty good job, though! Plus, she had her sparkly, white powder on. I love my girlie girl/tomboy combo!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Aiden Christopher Martin

I can't believe Aiden is already nine days old. He was born 07.01.09, weighing 6 lbs. 7 oz. and somewhere around 18 inches long (I swear they did not measure him correctly!). We were home Friday afternoon, 07.03.09. Thank goodness for an easy c-section...I actually felt better than the first. It seems like we have had Aiden forever. He just fits; it feels perfect right now.

I have to get this entry done quickly because it's so late right now...almost 3am...and I need to try to go to bed!

A couple of things I want to mention so I don't forget to add them to my kids' baby books:

1. Troy always says after holding Aiden that "he even breathes cute." I just thought that was such a sweet thing to say.

2. He asked Ashlyn about 2 days ago, "Do you want to go help Daddy change his nitrous bottle in his car?" Only from my husband...they love to "work" on the cars together.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Family of Four...On Wednesday

I go into the hospital this Wednesday for the birth of Aiden Christopher. Since Ashlyn was a c-section, I'm scheduled for another one. I am experiencing some major nostalgia right now. Troy and I have been wishing, hoping and planning for our second child what seems like forever ago. Well, after a quick nine months (honestly), it is here, and I don't feel ready at all.

I feel like I'm starting from scratch as to how to take care of an infant. I can't recall how often I am to feed a newborn, how long he/she needs to sleep, etc. Yes, these are silly things to think about I know. I think I was less anxious about bringing Ashlyn home; things just fell into place. Although this experience seems so new to me, it does seem like just the other day Troy and I were bringing Ashlyn home from the hospital. It was such a strange, wonderful feeling being a true family at that time. (It was also great coming to an empty, clean home!) Oh, the joys we have had with Ashlyn. It almost feels sad and strange to me that she will no longer be the only child. We've wanted a brother or sister for her but she's been just ours for 4 1/2 years. It is because of the wonderful joy Ashlyn has brought us that we are so excited to open our hearts even more for another one. I remember hearing people ask, "How can I love another child as much as I love my first?" My mom always told me that you love each child in a different, special way. This makes such obvious sense to me right now. As nervous as I am for the birth, I can only pray that everything will be fine and can't wait to hold Aiden very soon.

Ashlyn and I were chatting tonight lying in her bed. Such a girl...likes to chat before going to bed. I was telling her that in order for her to be pretty, she must act pretty....nice words, nice actions, etc. (This saying was said to my Mom from her mother, MeMom [whom I never got to meet], to me.) So Ashlyn went on about how she would act pretty/nice to friends. I told her she was going to be a great big sister. She then told me that I was going to make a great Mom and Dad was going to make a great Dad. Too funny and cute...almost brought tears to my eyes.

Just had to get my words down tonight. Not sure who may even read my posts, but I love to go back over them for myself.

For those that may read, please pray for a safe delivery of our healthy baby boy. Thanks.

Oh, and I am very thankful for my parents. I knew that I still had many things to get done before Aiden's arrival; however, I didn't realize how much I had to do and how time consuming those tasks would be. Troy is now off work as of tonight, but there's no way we could have managed what my parents helped with today. Thank you Mom and Dad.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Ashlyn and I were taking a bath tonight. I just love it now because she'll wash and scratch my back...feels so good, especially since I'm pregnant. She asked me if God could see her washing my back so I told her that He could see her.

Then comes the next series of questions:

-Does God live in Heaven or my heart? My answer: He lives in both. (Simple I thought.)
-How can God live in both? He's not a fairy. My answer: silence at first. I told her that He is everywhere.

I guess that answer will appease her for now. I can't wait for the next round of questions/comments in the future.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Soccer Game

Today Ashlyn had a great soccer game. I can't remember how many goals she scored...4-6 maybe? My girl has got some wheels on her, too. Thank goodness for long legs! Any time the other team had the ball, especially for a "break away," Ashlyn would chase them down and take the ball away. Some of the girls will just run right next to the other team when they have the ball; I told Ashlyn to run in front and steal the ball away. She's good at this...sometimes even taking it away from her own teammates!

She had a few falls and got right back up most of the time without tears (FINALLY!). She did have one good fall where she practically did a face plant in the grass. Tears are allowed for those falls! (I sound like a terrible mom!)

Well, I recorded some of her game, although I missed all of her goals. I did, however, get to hear myself yelling on the sidelines. Seriously, this is her first time to play soccer and I already sound like a nut. It's not all my runs in my family. :) I just have to remind myself that she is 4-years-old sometimes!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Not so Funny

As kids get older, it becomes difficult to talk about serious subjects when they have questions...i.e. death. Troy's Grandpa passed away at the end of last year. Ashlyn was just now in the office with me and said she wanted to write a letter. She wanted to send it to Great Grandpa. I should have gone along with it, putting it in the mail to Heaven, but I didn't want her to think I was making up something. So I told her we could pray to God and He could talk to Great Grandpa. After I finished saying the prayer, Ashlyn said that she wanted to talk to Great Grandpa and then started crying because she missed him. I held her for a bit while she cried, telling her that Great Grandpa was up in Heaven and happy and Jesus was probably talking to him right now. That seemed to help her for now. I just need to prepare myself (or attempt to) for all of the serious questions she's going to ask!

Random Funny Things

Ashlyn and I were sitting outside waiting for Pippi to drop off a couple of dresses. I asked her if she was my girl. She said, "Yes, and you're my girl, too." So sweet...

A while back, Troy rented a yellow Corvette with a black racing stripe to enjoy for a few days. Ashlyn loved it because the top came off (it had a T-top). So she was looking through a magazine and saw three Infinitis on a page. One was a convertible and Ashlyn asked if it was a Corvette. And just yesterday, she asked Troy if she could help cleaning his car's wheels and tires again. She loves helping her Daddy with the cars.

Ashlyn loved April Fools Day. She would tell us we had a bug on our face and then immediately say, "April Fools Day!" So it was the morning of April 2nd, and she asked if it was still April Fools Day. I told her that it was only on April 1st...that April Fools Day was over. She thought it over for a bit and then Ashlyn said, "I'm still going to play tricks on you!"