Tuesday, March 3, 2009

One Smart Cookie

I know I am a little biased here being the mom, but I am so proud of how much Ashlyn has achieved since starting Montessori. She is learning new words to read and brings home books. She is really good at sounding out her words. Well, today she started her "spelling cards." I'm not really sure what they are (see, I'm not taking ALL the credit!), but I had her get out a sheet of blank paper. Ashlyn wrote out the word "kite." It is a word she just learned....working on long vowel sounds with the silent "e"....but I was amazed she could do it. It is kind of scary. She is growing up so fast!

She's playing soccer and scored a goal in last Saturday's game. She told me she had to take it away from Brielle, one of her teammates, in order to score. Who cares...it went in and she was very proud of herself. I tend to think she might be a Virgo in disguise (like her mommy and daddy) because we are often perfectionists. Glad I'm past that now! I guess it's more of the first born syndrome because she can be very tough on herself.

She is so excited to be a big sister she can hardly stand it. She feels my tummy for Aiden's kicks....they are becoming much more prominent now. The other day she walked into my room with her soccer ball under her shirt. I had to remind her that she must first be married before she has a baby....oh, and she must be married to a boy!!! Crazy, I know, but you never know these days!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad we are getting the rules enforce early. She really is learning so much. Ash, what a great big sister you will be! Love ya! Pippi