Sunday, September 14, 2008

More on Barbie...

(This was actually earlier in the day.) I just came in the office to look on the computer...I do that way too often. Ashlyn came in here with her Barbie and sat on the desk. Her Barbie, as usual, was jaybird. I don't know why she feels that all of her Barbies have to be jaybird. I guess if I had Barbie's figure, I might be naked more often! She then told me that her legs were longer than her Barbie's legs. Uh...I would think so! The things kids come up with are just too funny and off the wall.


Anonymous said...

Hey sweet girls. The rodeo was a blast and can't wait for Mom to get your pictures of the Calf Scramble. You did a great job chasing that calf in your pink glitter flip flops! A true cow girl you are! As you said, "Next time, we'll sign you up to ride in the Muttin Bustin". Love you loads, Pippi

Alexis said...

yes, I might be naked alot more if I had Barbie's figure too! Miss you guys!